“Human beings are sea creatures, dependent on the oceans just as much as whales, herring or coral reefs” (Sylvia Earle)
This week Angel Hill Food is celebrating National Marine Week, an initiative run by The Wildlife Trusts from the 27th July to the 11th August. Although the initiative is for 2 weeks a year, Angel Hill’s commitment to sourcing sustainable fish is a lifetime promise. This commitment starts by only serving fish from the ‘Fish to Eat’ list from Marine Conservation Society.
The MSC Fish to Eat List
Angel Hill is proud to feature on MSC’s wall of fame, certifying that they use their seafood ratings to make sustainable and thoughtful buying decisions. MSC has also compiled a ‘Fish to Eat’ list, which is comprised of fish from well-managed, sustainable stocks or farms. Similarly, they created a ‘Fish to Avoid’ list, which is made up of fish that are often overfished, vulnerable or from badly managed fisheries.
Choosing fish which feature on the ‘Fish to Eat’ list is a great start but in general, we are too reliant on the ‘Big 5’ (Cod, Haddock, Tuna, Salmon and Prawns). Great examples of alternatives include Coley instead or Cod/Haddock and Rainbow Trout instead of Salmon.
Although intentions may be good, it is often a confusing battle to ensure we purchase sustainable fish, but if you are ever in doubt look for the MSC logo. Any fish with the logo has been certified to the MSC fisheries standard, a science-based set of requirements to ensure sustainability.
Have you thought of going plant-based?
Are you prepared to go one step further from choosing sustainable fish and meat options by implementing a plant-based diet? According to the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), livestock is one of the top two or three most significant contributors to the most serious environmental problems. So even if it’s just adopting a plant-based diet for one day a week, it can make a big difference to the planet we all must live on.
There is even a not-for-profit campaign named ‘Meat Free Monday’ (MFM), which aims to raise awareness of the detrimental environmental impact of animal agriculture and industrial fishing. Their website, which you can find here is full of wonderful plant-based recipes to inspire you. A host of A-list celebrities have already endorsed MFM, including Ringo Starr, Tom Hanks, David Walliams and Joanna Lumley. So, what’s stopping you?
What steps are you going to take to make more sustainable choices? Find us on Twitter to let us know.