Brands and Monty Python
‘What have the Romans ever done for us?’ Which movie was that from? I’ll give you the answer, and why it’s important in just a little while.
Like you I’m sure, my childhood memory is filled with brands like Pan Am, C & A, Woolworths and Radio Rentals. All brands that I remember but are no longer around. Some have stood the test of time; Daz, Skips, Monster Munch and Converse. Of course, I didn’t know they were brands. I didn’t much think about them at all, but all these years later I remember them well. I even remember some fondly. Although I’m not sure remembering washing powder fondly is normal but, nonetheless, I do.
What I’m saying, I suppose, is brands matter. They are more than just a name or a logo, they are a way of communicating values. They conjure up images and affect how we view things, how we feel about things. They can be the difference between a lifetime’s loyalty to one product or not. My in-laws won’t hear of going anywhere but John Lewis, even for the smallest purchase. They are loyal and rightly so. They are what Ken Blanchard calls “Raving Fans” Here’s a few reasons why:
- They have grown to trust the brand name and everything associated with it
- They know they get good value, not low prices, good value
- They identify with the people serving them. They care about them and what they need
- If they don’t like it, they can take it back. Their business is more important than one transaction
Learning from the best
When we looked at rebranding our catering offer for business and industry, we considered what it was we were trying to do. What were our key drivers and goals? Well, for me it was about our customers seeing us in the right light, clearly seeing the elements of our offer and its relevance to them. So how on earth were we going to find out? One of our team came up with the bright idea of asking them, so we did. Not surveys, just talking. The four key elements that were most important to them were:
- Being vigilant in what goes in their food
- Delivering good value. A fair price for great food and service
- Trusting that the people that serve them every day will have their best interests at heart
- If it’s not right, fix it quickly
Sound familiar? The alignment with John Lewis is not a coincidence. Trust is everything.
So, Angel Hill Food Co. was born out of our desire to show our customers that we get what is important to them, through our branding and our story. If we can get anywhere near what John Lewis means to my in-laws, I’ll be a happy man.
The Life of Brian
At the top I asked, ‘What have the Romans ever done for us?’ Well, the movie The Life of Brian was released on the day before my thirteenth birthday, I remember it vividly. My mates and I had been awaiting this event like it was the actual second coming. On the face of it, a film about a bloke called Brian being mistaken for The Messiah may not have spiked the interest of my rabble. We were comedy wise and pretty hard to please. But this was Monty Python, and boy were we big fans. We were loyal to a fault. Every new episode of the TV program was received with raptures, gathering in the playground the next morning to proclaim how hilarious it was and how much we loved it. In truth, we probably didn’t understand much of the humour but had come to trust Monty Python. If they said it, it had to be funny, whether we laughed or not. This is the very model of a brand, creating loyalty and trust in a target market. John Cleese and co, had us before the Pearl & Dean credits rolled. It remains my favourite movie of all time.
By the way, the answer to the question is; the aqueduct, sanitation, roads, irrigation… Oh you know the script.