In our video, we did a half portion. Here’s the recipe to feed yourself and 3 friends.
Prep Time: 35 Minutes
Cooking Time: 15 Minutes
4 Sweet Potatoes (Pricked with a fork) Each approx. 275g
6 Large Sausages (Skins Removed)
2 Leeks (Thinly Sliced)
200g Cream Cheese
4 Eggs (Hard Boiled)
Sea Salt & Freshly Ground Black Pepper
2 Vine Tomatoes
100g Mixed Leaf Salad
Preheat the oven to 220c (450F, gas mark 7)
Microwave the sweet potatoes for 10 minutes, turning half way through. Leave to cool, then cut in half lengthways, scoop out the middle of the potato flesh into a bowl, keeping the skins intact.
Skin the sausages and rip them into small pieces, add to frying pan and cook on high heat for about 5 minutes, until they’re golden and cooked through. Remove from the pan, add sliced leeks and cook until tender.
Put leeks and sausages into the bowl with the sweet potato flesh and ¾ of the cream cheese (keep ¼ to top potatoes when cooked). Mix it all together and then spoon mixture back into the sweet potato skins.
Place on baking sheet and bake in oven for 15 minutes. Once baked arrange on plate with 1/4s of hardboiled egg, a spoon of cream cheese on top, garnish with mixed leaves and tomato wedges, season with black pepper & sea salt.